You are born to reign! Anyone who tells you differently is ignorant of a universal truth. Discover who you are and how to fulfill your glorious destiny.
‘‘For thou hast possessed my reins: thou hast covered me in my mother’s womb. I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well. My substance was not hid from thee, when I was made in secret, and curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth. Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being unperfect; and in thy book all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them. How precious also are thy thoughts unto me, O God! How great is the sum of them! If I should count them, they are more in number than the sand: when I awake, I am still with thee.’’
Psalm 139:13-18
Over the years, science has satisfactorily proven that during fertilization approximately 250 million human sperm cells are released from the male to fertilize one single egg in the woman. What else can better explain the fact that nobody just happens to be here on earth? I am here because I passed through the test that qualifies people to legally function on this planet and was approved to reign because I proved to possess the ability to reign over every challenge in life.
I defeated millions of sperms, daring temperatures and deadly conditions to make it to this world. The battle started in the womb and I fought it through, even through nine months in my mother’s womb to get here. Let’s take a look at what really happens at fertilization. Let’s see how the seed of dominion that was sown into my mother to produce me passed the many hurdles that tried it, even as gold is tried: the ferocious brimstone and fire test that qualifies us to reign.
On your mark, Get set, Go!
The documentary The Great Sperm Race describes the tortuous journey of the sperm in their quest to fertilize the egg from storage in the male testes to fusion with the egg. Of the approximately 250 million human sperm cells that enter the vagina just a few thousand are able to enter the fallopian tubes and just one will fertilize the egg. The race is extremely complex.
There are many obstacles that sperm must overcome to reach their destination. These include: the acidic atmosphere of the vagina, the mucus of the cervix, the narrowness of the uterotubal junction (the entrance to the cervix), the white blood cells of the immune system, which see the sperm as a pathogenic ‘foreign invader’ to destroy, and what scientists think is a molecular screening process at the final checkpoint that allows only some sperm through.
The rules of the game are same for all!
A number of mechanisms aid the process. The sperm are guided along their journey by chemical and temperature signals. There is also evidence of a ‘sperm reservoir’ in the fallopian tubes, where sperm bind to the epithelial lining of the tubes, reducing the chance of fertilisation by multiple sperm. During ovulation, the sperm are hyperactivated to help them penetrate the mucus in the fallopian tubes and the outer coating of the egg. Sperm must survive transit through a series of tough obstacles and of the millions introduced only thousands will reach the fallopian tubes, possibly only tens will encounter the oocyte and only one will ordinarily fertilise it.
Some are predestined to reign!
Sperm, however, can vary greatly in their features. There are those that are fit enough to reach the oviduct and those that have errors, which are inevitably killed along the journey to the egg. Passage of sperm through the female reproductive tract is regulated to maximise the chances that high-fertility sperm with normal morphology and vigorous motility reach the oocyte and once there have the best chance of success.
The elimination process begins at vaginal flowback!
After semen deposition in the anterior vagina there is substantial sperm loss almost immediately though how much is still not precisely known. In a 5 year study of 11 female volunteer Baker and Bellis (1993) examined the characteristics of sperm loss from the vagina following coitus (‘flowback’). They found that flowback occurred in 94% of copulations with the median time to the emergence of flowback of 30 min. Baker and Bellis estimated a median of about 65% of sperm was retained. In 12% of copulations about 100% of the sperm were eliminated which supports the notion that only a minority of sperm travel beyond the vagina.